Summoners Fate > Game Discussion

Chaos Magic

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When non-being gives rise to existential motion, the raw, primal and pure potential energy created is called Chaos. Chaos is without bounds or rules; it is not limited by logic and reason. Even mathematical definitions such as 1+1 = 2 can be nonsensical or as valid as 1+1 = 3. If the entirety of existence could be construed as a line, then the period of history that represents Chaos would exist as a singular point. But, as Chaos is without time and order, this “point”, this “moment” persists as an eternity that continuously draws out infinite eventualities and realities.

From the infinite potential of Chaos, conscious thought is born, giving rise to being, celestial order, and the construct of time and the physical universe. Chaos is not a moment left in the past, however, but a source continually drawn upon to keep the universe within motion.

Chaos Magic
When chaos energy flares into the physical world, its manifestations are unstable and cause potent destructive force. While destructive, Chaos is not inherently evil, and many good and innocent individuals are gifted (or cursed as some say) with the power to channel Chaos Magic. For example, Nova the Sorceress, is a notable Chaos sorceress. At a young age, she unintentionally destroyed her village with fire when her born powers were first triggered, though she herself is not malicious like the Dreadnoughts - evil inclined beings motivated by the desire to destroy the world.

Chaos Spells
In Summoners Fate, Chaos spells grant powerful destructive abilities and have the highest damage output per cost of any other magic group.
What do you think of these ideas and what kinds of Chaos spells would you like to see in Summoners Fate?

What differentiates Chaos Magic from other kinds of magic?  Are there spells that can only exist within the Chaos Realm?  Perhaps a card could be created that draws a random chaos spell from your deck and puts it in your hand?

Or maybe to build on or take from Digital, a card that takes a random card from your deck and casts it at a spot on the board you choose.
Or maybe just casts a random card from your collection of cards? Since all things are born from chaos?
Or a "fork" kinda card, that copies a spell you just cast.

That might be fun,  so casting a random chaos card from your deck for cheap.  That could make for some interesting game mechanics. You could limit your chaos spells to maximize your chances, or you could broaden your chaos spells to make your deck robust at the cost of accidentally casting an AOE at the wrong moment :)

Or make 2 cards,  1 mana cost gets you a random chaos spell, 2 mana gets you a spell from your deck or graveyard.


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