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Messages - Maltross

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: Name our Snakemen Race!
« on: January 09, 2018, 11:12:42 AM »
Serpenta, Serpentian....Or maybe Men of Set or something like that, if you want to go an Egyptian route.

Game Discussion / Re: Chaos Magic
« on: November 23, 2017, 08:49:23 AM »
Or maybe to build on or take from Digital, a card that takes a random card from your deck and casts it at a spot on the board you choose.
Or maybe just casts a random card from your collection of cards? Since all things are born from chaos?
Or a "fork" kinda card, that copies a spell you just cast.

Game Discussion / Re: Celestial Magic, Steampunk Rats & Time Spells
« on: November 15, 2017, 09:57:29 PM »
just wanted to say Hey to Diesbudt..Idk if you remember me from HM haha.

Share Your Ideas / Re: Spell & Equipment Card Ideas
« on: November 15, 2017, 12:41:22 PM »
Here are a few card suggestions to add to the celestial time keeper rats' gear:

Countdown The next player will have limited time (tbd) for completing his turn. If playing a multiplayer game with already limited time, this is halved. If against the AI the number of iterations gets limited.
In addition a large blinking semi-transparent countdown overlays the screen, to add to that player's stress!  ;D

Warping the very fabric The next player will be able to complete his turn as usual, but once he's done all is reset to when his turn began. Then the exact same actions are played again in a random order (some may become invalid).

Set in stone Disable the undo button for the next player's turn.

I'm a fan of the warping the very fabric card. If something like this is implemented, I'm already brewing a nice arcane/time deck haha

Game Discussion / Re: Arcane vs. Nature
« on: November 12, 2017, 05:14:09 PM »
Yeah, I also love the card templates. I'm hyped about this game to no end. You guys do an amazing job of it.

Share Your Ideas / Re: Spell & Equipment Card Ideas
« on: November 11, 2017, 01:23:27 PM »
Nature- Fountain of Youth-a fountain appears, water pouring over the screen and heals all the characters in your party for 2 hps, and damages undead for 3. (numbers can be adjusted)

Void- Vampiric Bloodlust- Causes target unit to walk to the nearest friendly unit and "drain" it upto 3 and heals them for the amount done.

Arcane- Mind wipe- Target opponent discards a card and cannot draw a card the next turn.
            Forget This- You discard a card to draw upto 2 cards
Chaos- Switch It Up- Choose upto 3 units, those units switch places on the board

Just random ones off the top of my head. I'll be back to post more.

Game Discussion / Re: Ideas to Add to Insectoids?
« on: November 09, 2017, 11:49:08 AM »
Cockroach, millipedes, and centipedes..Maybe do a couple different types of spiders. There's ones that use webbing to trap prey and others that hunt them.

Meeting Place / Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« on: November 06, 2017, 01:26:51 PM »
Hey guys, my name is Daniel Cordial. I am a D&D geek from when it wasn't even cool. (I've always thought it was anyway)
Played Hero Mages a lot back in the day, and cannot wait to see this game grow and play it as well. Always had a really great community behind it, and amazing Devs that will listen to suggestions and respond when you ask questions. Thanks for this opportunity to keep playing this type of game I love.

I also forgot to list the types of games I play. Anything really, mostly look for fantasy/sci fi elements and I love tactics and colony building and...well ok everything. Lately, I find i'm horrible at platformers, since I'm an old man now, so I have picked up some mega man recently to try and polish up those skills.

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