Beasts of the SkyDragons have always been important to Ross; in fact, I'm in his office and can count 8 dragons right now that I can see between dragon art on the wall, statues, even a giant decorative fan over the desk with two dragons on it:
Fan above Ross's computer monitorThat being said, when developing Summoners Fate, we both knew we had to find a way to incorporate dragons into the game - preferably more than 1. That took some work with our art team to get the right size; after all, with our top-down perspective and square grids, we needed to find a way to convey large size while also having the dragon fit onto the board without being
too cumbersome. The wings, especially, were tricky to not block all characters next to the dragon.
Once we got that figured out, we went to town creating our Dragons. As of the press of this release, we have
11 finished Summoners Fate dragons to add to your deck. Here are a few new ones:
Good-looking groupAt this point we are going back-and-forth on naming the dragons after their obvious color (e.g.: Purple Dragon, Green Dragon, Blue Dragon) or after jewels, given dragons inclination towards hoarding treasure (e.g.: Amethyst Dragon, Jade Dragon, Sapphire Dragon). What are your thoughts?