Good afternoon amazing, wonderful folks!
I am the mighty Tzolak, the Liche King!
Well, ok..maybe not so mighty or so Liche Kingy

I am Tzolak. Online gamer for 15 years, played everything from Runescape Classic through Runescape 3 (EoC), World of Warcraft, Diablo 2 and 3, and...well too many games to truly list here.
Got the immense privilege of learning of this amazing game at Dreamhack Atlanta (Heck Ross and I took a picture together

) and am so excited for Summoners Fate! Wish I had been with you from the beginning. Spent most of my afternoon reading the daily updates and hanging with Ross and Pete in the Discord!
Can't wait to play, stream, compete, battle, and throw squirrels at you all!
-Tzolak (Ethan)