Correction on Subscription Process

Author Topic: Correction on Subscription Process  (Read 12545 times)


  • Founder & Game Developer, D20Studios
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Correction on Subscription Process
« on: November 06, 2017, 04:25:59 PM »
Hi Summoners Fate fans,

I would like to make a correction to my instructions for subscribing to our daily updates. Previously, I had advised to subscribe to the "board" (ex: Game Updates & News) however I have discovered that this only notifies you when a new topic is added to the board, not when a new post is added to the Daily Updates topic. The good news is that if you previously followed this step, you should be getting this message ;)

Now, to remedy this so that you get notified on our daily update posts, you'll want to subscribe to the Daily Updates topic.

You can do this by logging into forums and go to the Daily Updates topic and select the "Notify" button (it looks like a bell). Again, you can unsubscribe at anytime by clicking the "Notify" button again. You can also manage your subscriptions to threads in your forum profile.

I want to be as helpful as I can with ensuring communications are consistent and being delivered in the fashion that is best for you, so please let me know what feedback you have. We've enabled community to post replies on the daily updates, but if we find this results in too many notifications, we can lock the topic and redirect conversations to another board. Again, please let me know how the experience is working for you so that I can optimize it best for your needs.

Much appreciated,

« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 11:34:55 AM by KellyD20Studios »